Who Gives a Fuck, Right?

In one form or another, people are always asking me why I spend so much time creating a page on someone I hate. Why "waste" my time bashing an innocent person and just what kind of a monster am I?

First things first, it doesn't take a massive amount of my free time to create the Sux pages; in fact, it takes very little. There's tons of information online and otherwise chronicling these individuals' shortcomings and one only has to be slightly aware of the entertainment industry to know the buzz.

The design's a no-brainer; I originally designed the Ashlee Simpson Sux page in under an hour and now just alter that original design as needed when I decide to take on new suckers. Doing the write-ups takes even less time than that. So before you accuse me of wasting hours and days of my life taking down today's stars, know that the opposite is true. If this took hours and days, I wouldn't even bother.

Now on to the more serious query - what kind of a person would spend any amount of time verbally condemning another? And furthermore, why?

I feel this can be cleared up by re-posting a response I made on a message board to this very question:

You can say "change the channel/station/etc." if you don't like what you're hearing, but as we've stated, the problem here is the media and these generic "stars" in general. The media is shoveling crap down our throats and unless we stand up and voice our distaste for it, they will keep doing it.

If we let them know we won't stand for this kind of bilge, perhaps they'll start investing their time and money in searching out *real* talent, rather than trying to create it out of thin air. In the end it is our money that keeps them in business and, therefore, it is our duty to inform them that we're sick of wasting our money on their trash. We deserve better - we want better - and we will be heard.

The fact of the matter is, most people are fed up with all these pop-clone and crossover "artists" who aren't really that talented to begin with. That's where the "hate" comes in. I do not hate Ashlee Simpson, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Hilary Duff and Aaron Carter in a malicious way. I do not want them dead - I do not wish actual ill-will upon them. Did you ever stop to think that it might be possible to dislike someone for their actions and what they stand for and not hate them directly?

Let's not forget, too, that celebrities put themselves in the spotlight, for better or for worse. Not everyone is going to like them and some people are going to bash them more than others; it's a fact of life and has been since the idea of "celebrity" first began. They know this when they choose these careers, so I really don't feel sorry for them in this respect. You cannot put yourself out to the entire world and expect the entire world to embrace, love and respect you.

The problem with "stars" today is they fancy themselves gods and goddesses, capable of anything. They want to do everything - sing, act, sell makeup products, develop their own fashion line, produce, and/or dance. The thing is maybe one or two of them are talented enough to pull it off; most would do much better if they'd stick with their talents and chosen careers. When they start branching off into all this other crap it gets ridiculous. Nearly all of the up and coming stars and starlets today have perfumes, clothes, dolls, books, albums and movies with their names on it. We'd have much higher caliber entertainment today if these stars would stick to one thing and produce quality not quantity rather than spreading themselves thin over a million and two products and productions.

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