What is Dramatowne?

I tend to ease my real life sorrows by screwing up the lives of my Sims. Dramatowne is a neighborhood I created just for that - to turn the Sims' lives who live there into a sordid mess that would make any daytime TV slot happy. So far, it's been a success.

The residents of Dramatowne are a wild, wanton bunch, prone to bed-hopping, murder, and populating Dramatowne with many bastard children.

Just to warn you if updates seem slow in coming: this is only updated when I have time, and when I feel like it - in other words, not very often.

Who Lives in Dramatowne?

The main families of Dramatowne are:

The Bradley Family
Dramatowne's religious right. The father is a local priest, and closet-'ho. The identical twin daughters are the perfect match of Good and Evil.

The Montalbano Family
Dramatowne's hottest single gal. Juliana Montalbano is the daughter of Dramatowne's former mayor. She's single - and loving it.

The Bordas Family
Dramatowne's unwed mother. Charlotte Bordas once hung out with her best friend and fellow party-girl, Juliana Montalbano, every night. Now she smells of spoiled baby milk rather than SinScents #7, and the only nights she's still awake at dawn are those that baby Amelia is teething.

The Strumpet Family
Dramatowne's dysfuntional nuts. Edward Strumpet met his wife in a strip club - Big Bubba's Boobie Barn to be exact. Edward still "gets around", however, and Vivian isn't the brighest Crayon in the box. Their son, Richard, appears to be turning out to be a raging queen.

The Bliss Family
Dramatowne's party girl. Mira Bliss was born for one thing - to party; and to daydream about kissing girls. Even though Charlotte no longer parties with she and Juliana, it hasn't slowed the remaining two down from painting Dramatowne red. The truth is, Mira is madly in love with Juliana. She wonders if she'll ever be able to share her true feelings with Dramatowne's biggest hetero slut.

The Cheater Family
Dramatowne's lower life forms. Gerald Cheater plans to someday win back the title of Crime Boss of Dramatowne - one that was taken from his father many years ago. In the meantime, he's busy trying to raise a family with the hot bitch of a wife he won in a poker bet and their little girl, Michelle. Paloma, however, is busy trying to start a fling with every penis-bearing Sim in Dramatowne. The truth? She doesn't know who Michelle's father is.

The Ervin Family
Brooke Ervin moved from the bustle of the city to the 'burbs of Dramatowne to make a better life for her teen, Alicia. However, not long after the move, Alicia fell for an older loser who knocked her up with twins! Not exactly the life Brooke imagined, now is it?

The Melons Family
Candi Melons is one of the top strippers at Big Bubba's Boobie Barn. She's also the undefeated paper airplane maker in the world.

The Teats Family
Teena Teats works across the street from Big Bubba's, at The GropeAcabana, and is Candi's biggest rival. The girls started out together at the now-defunct Panty Pantry club downtown, but once they began competing for tips the friendship was over. When The Panty Pantry went under, both girls shuffled off to different clubs and the rivlary continues.

The Simple Family
Pop star sisters, Jezebel & Annie are struggling to make it in the world of rock n' roll - though talent isn't what's getting them there. Jezebel sleeps her way up the ladder, while baby sister Annie, without a lick of talent to speak of, becomes famous only by association and how badly she sucks.

Unleash The Drama

Clicking these links will take you to my page on The Sims 2 official website, because I'm too lazy to re-create my own photo album stories here.

The Ervin Family:
Teen In Trouble

The Bliss Family:
Unrequited Lesbian Love

The Angelo Family:
Your Friendly Neighborhood Mobsters

The Melons Family:
Candi's Are Dandy

The Strumpet Family:
Stripper, Jerk, & Baby Make Three

The Cheater Family:
Who's The Baby Daddy?

The Goldman Family:
Fatal Religion


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The Dramatowne Dish