Annikki's Adventure
Shanna's EQ Fan Fiction

"It is the balance, my little one – the power is in the balance."

The words of her father rang in Annikki Darkespell's ears as she made her way through thick underbrush under the cloak of night in the Nektulos Forest. Even growing up in the in the cavernous city of Neriak that opened into this black forest, she still got easily turned around in its depths. She couldn't imagine one ever finding their way through these woods without her inborn infravision. Her dark blue skin against the shadowy night sky worked as a perfect camouflage had the need arisen to hide from a fierce predator. Her silky, gray hair blew out of her face as a soft breeze sighed through the silent forest.

A brown spiderling clambered noiselessly over a grass-covered trunk that had fallen ages ago. Recognizing this landmark, Annikki took a sharp right and continued forward, soon coming to the dirt path that had been made, mainly, as a route for the Neriak Dragoons to follow to their posts – at each of the entrances to their forest home. The job of a dragoon was not a safe one. It was not uncommon for a daring adventurer to sneak into the borders to attack the guards – testing their fortitude against the adept sentinels. Annikki's brother had been killed in such an encounter.

Always somewhat of an outcast in his own family, Sirli'in Darkespell rejected his family's long-held history as belonging to the set of magic users known as "The Spurned"; Dark Elves shunned for practicing the white magics. As soon as he was of age, he joined the Dragoons, and severed all ties with his family. They were told of his death three years after he took his post – killed by a Human Warrior that had gotten away bearing only a few wounds. Annikki thought little of the brother she had never been close to, ten years her senior. Yet, as always when she came to the yawning cave that led to the East Commonlands, and passed the post that had been his, he crossed her mind.

Tonight, she nodded slightly at the 'goon who stood there now, and walked just inside the cave and out of sight. Closing her eyes, she felt a heat spreading through her entire body as she began to chant in the ancient language of her ancestors. A thousand blue orbs whirled around her and as they shimmered into nothing, Annikki stood there pale of skin and with short, red hair. Had the guard she just passed seen her, he would've attacked her on the spot – not giving her time to explain the Illusion spell that had turned her, for a time, into a Human. She turned and walked the length of the cave, coming out eventually, in the East Commonlands. The dense forest of Nektulos had given way to a verdant, hilly land dotted with tall, leafy trees. The sun had just begun to rise and the horizon was mottled a deep shade of purple and gentle pink. Annikki noticed a large lion resting on top of a hill to her right, and she quietly made her way to the road just left of the cave. She noted a green snake and a black wolf as she walked along the path towards the human city of Freeport. She gave a brilliant smile and wave to the human guards as she passed them – amused as always at their ignorance to her true race. Soon she found herself walking across the dusty plain that led to the gate of West Freeport.

Annikki had no desire to enter the human city today. She was on her way to the fertile hunting grounds she'd heard of from a fellow Enchanter. The Paladual Caverns were just beyond the city of Shadow Haven on the moon of Luclin. Though Annikki had been to Luclin enough times to buy and sell in the Bazaar, she'd never traveled to Shadow Haven. Her friend, Jyresh Daila'in, had just come from the trip, boasting of great experience gained and booty he had sold on his return for a decent stack of gold. Though Annikki spent most of her time honing her skills in the trade of jewelcraft, and practicing her spells – she had a love of adventure inherited from her father, Niham. It was with great excitement that she set forth for lands not yet seen, treasures and experience to be gained. "It is experience," he father had said, "that makes all the difference. No matter your class, without experience to further you, you are as nothing."

Suddenly a shadow loomed large over her, and she stopped dead in her tracks. Turning, she saw a giant troll standing in front of her, looking down at her with a wary eye – his giant axe clutched tightly in his fist.

"Borum," she said, remembering she was in human form and not recognizable to her friend. "It is I, Annikki."

The ugly creature then smiled – more of a snarl – and nodded. Borum had helped Annikki out on a few of her first adventures – when she was but a young and floundering Enchanter. The lovely Withered Staff she clutched in her hand had been a gift from him.

"Where are you off to?" he asked, glancing over her head towards the gates – just visible in the distance. Borum could not walk within a distance visible to the guards, or they would be after him at once.

"To Paladual Caverns," she answered. "I've heard there is good hunting there."

Borum nodded once more, "This is true. You'll do well there, Annikki."

"I heard what happened…to your people," she said, sadly. The trolls had recently been overthrown by a neighboring race of frogs, the Frogloks. They had been forced to abandon their beloved swamp city, and their future was uncertain at the moment. "I am sure you will regain Grobb once more."

"I was away when the invasion took place. I have not returned yet, but have heard word that we have made a home in your Nektulos Forest. I do not know where it is, however," Borum said with a slight shrug.

"I hope that you let me know when you return and try to find it, Borum," Annikki said, sincerely. "I will try to help."

To this, Borum gave a roaring laugh, "Little dark elf, you don't know your way around that forest!"

She could only smile at this.

"It was nice seeing you; we'll meet again soon", he said with another fierce smile and turned to walk quickly in the other direction. A quick glance over her shoulder showed a guard walking their way. He was too far to see them, with his feeble human sight, but it was pointless taking chances. She turned back around and continued on her way.

As the gates of West Freeport came ever clearer into view, Annikki turned to the right and began to follow the wall of the city. It no longer took her a few tries to find the enchanted part of the wall – merely an illusion of the bricks around it. She stepped through, feeling the usual small tingle of cold as the magic enveloped her. Another adventurer, resplendent in full armor, stood in front of the giant stone book on its pedestal. Annikki often wondered how she'd ever traveled the world of Norrath before the discovery of these special portals. She stepped up and let her finger touch the cold granite.

Everything went black and she was filled with an almost sickening pulling feeling. As soon as it started, it was over, and Annikki found herself standing in front of another stone – this one tall and round – with "Freeport" carved deep into it in an ornate cursive. She was on the other side of the portal, in the place known as the Plane of Knowledge. It was daylight here, now, and a sweet music from an unknown source filled the air. Every time Annikki stepped onto the Plane of Knowledge, it took her breath away anew.

Immense, white marbled buildings dotted the lush green grass and a perfect, white cobblestone road wound its way throughout the outer city. Shading her sensitive eyes with her hand, Annikki looked up to see the towering spires of the brilliant library – and the bridge arch of marble that led to it, glinting in the bright sun. Massive, ancient trees sat solemnly on the grass, their huge trunks as wide around as a Sand Giant, and weighted down with masses of brilliant, green leaves. Indeed, many of the old trunks had bent over double and touched the ground as to provide a perfect nook for sitting and reading one of the olden volumes rented from the vast library. Annikki had spent many an hour doing that very thing.

She stepped down from the small, stone platform the portal to Freeport sat on, glancing around at similar portals all around. She gave only a passing glance to the many people around her – all adventurers like herself – of every race and class. The PoK was a neutral land – and all races existed here in harmony. The moon of Luclin was another neutral zone, and it had taken Annikki awhile to get used to walking around the light-skinned humans and elves around her without having to cast an Illusion spell to protect herself. She had noticed that adventurers seemed much less concerned with racial tensions. She had grouped with many humans, elves and even dwarves, if the need arose, to combat more powerful enemies. The rewards – ample experience and booty for all – were too great for petty differences to hinder their joining. Adventurers were a greedy lot.

Annikki walked across smooth stones, her slippered feet making no noise, and enjoyed the soft breeze that always seemed to blow through the plane during the day. She went up a hill and through a large circular opening cut into the marble wall that led to the inner city. Here the buildings were gray granite and heavy, dark wood – but nonetheless beautiful for their sturdiness. Within the inner city, one could find any item sought – and Annikki had often traveled here to buy the semi-precious stones and bars of silver she used for her jewelry making. As always, a large crowd had gathered in front of the bank – to talk, to reorganize their bags, or to cast enhancement spells in exchange for a few platinum coins. She slowed her pace a bit, to take in the brightly colored silk robes and ornately decorated armor of the adventurers gathered there. The glowing swords, large shields with intricately carved designs, mighty battle-axes and down to the great, wooden staffs like her own always fascinated Annikki. She was a jewelry maker, and had an eye for such beautifully made armor and weaponry. She continued on until she reached the other side of the outer city, and walking through an identical circular arch, made her way down to the portals there. These were squat and square – the etched lettering a flowing block script. A crowd, also, was always gathered near The Nexus portal – the gateway to the moon of Luclin. Annikki walked past them all, stepped up to the portal and touched it.

The warm, breezy air of the PoK was suddenly replaced by the damp, cool chill of The Nexus – the center hub of transportation for the moon of Luclin. She was in a small grotto, carved roughly into a rough granite wall – when the Nexus book portal had been found, it's excavation had been hasty and nothing had been done to beautify it's appearance and surroundings. She turned, the outer room and hallway were in sharp contrast to this hole gouged in the wall. Everything was enclosed in smooth, gray marble – elaborate patterns cut deep into the surface. Annikki made her way down the hall and out into the large cave that was known as The Nexus. It's black and hoary walls were rough and unhewn and enclosed the room as if it were a large, opaque bubble. Four openings, including the one she had just stepped from, were on each point of the room. In the center was a massive portal – done in worked stone with four pointed columns that rose almost too high for the tips to be seen. It was elevated, and four ramps descended from each side; each towards an opening. The center of the ramps were cut out, and a black mercury-like liquid ran through the narrow canal – small enough to simply step over. This canal traversed the length of the floor, and went into each of the openings. A low, deep hum that could be felt as well as heard, surrounded the portal – becoming louder the closer you stepped towards it.

The portal, as always, was full of people – casting magic, assembling groups for hunts, or just being gated there from another portal on Norrath. Annikki heard a loud shout over the din, announcing the casting of a spell known, simply, as KEI. Annikki jingled the few platinum coins she had in her pocket – only 15. A few gold, less silver and only two coppers. The spell would give her great resilience – her mana would last ten times longer with it cast upon her than without it. She used mana in everything having to do with adventuring, and knew she should not travel to Paladual Caverns without having KEI cast on her. She made her way up the ramp to the center of the Nexus – her very bones buzzing with the hum from the Nexus portal. The shout was made again, and Annikki turned to see a High Elf female standing a few feet away from her. It was evident from her detailed, heavy velvet robe and lovely, polished staff with a jewel atop it that she was a highly experienced Enchanter.

"Casting KEI at Nexus portal," she called out in a lovely, smooth voice. "Drop plat for invite!"

Annikki dug her coins out of her pocket and walked up in front of the beautiful High Elf. She dropped her coins in front of the caster and gave her a smile. The elf smiled to let Annikki know she had seen her. A few more dropped their stacks, and they all stood waiting. The elf raised her hands and staff above her head, uttered a few words in Elder Elvish and a great light surrounded and shimmered around them all. Annikki staggered back a bit, as did the others, from the impact of the powerful spell. She bowed before the woman and turned to walk off and found herself face to face with someone she knew well.

"Larran!" she exclaimed, just as he exclaimed "Annikki!"

A Dark Elf like herself, Larran was a Shadowknight, only a bit more experienced than herself in his class. She had gone with him many times to kill calcified and greater skeletons so that he could tailor a special set of armor for himself.

"You're armor," she remarked. "It looks wonderful. I can't believe you tore yourself away from skeletons long enough to venture out of the forest."

He laughed. "I don't have the entire set done yet, but I'm close. Where are you headed?"

"The Paladual Caverns."

"So am I," he said, smiling. "We should go together. I know the way. I've been many times before."

"Perfect!" Annikki was glad to have found a guide, and a partner. It was often tedious trying to find a good spot to hunt in a new place, and dangerous. Larran could lead them directly to a prime spot.

The two friends set off for the city of Shadow Haven, its portal resting within one of the four openings. Annikki was glad she wouldn't need to use the small map drawn for her – she hated following them. They walked down a short, stone corridor and came to what looked like nothing more than an ornate, carved platform. This was the portal to Shadow Haven – a city created around the caravans of traders and merchants that had made their way through the twisting caverns that traversed the moon of Luclin.

Realizing it as prime ground – the caravans of varied races had settled here, and the city slowly arose around their many trades. The easy connection to the enormous market known as The Bazaar, and the short distance to The Nexus – where everyone took their first steps on Luclin – provided more than enough business to keep the merchants prosperous. The spread out city of Shadow Haven boasted coral-colored stone edifices, usually opening into large single rooms that were brightly lit with torches and resplendent with colorful cloth wall hangings. The vast caverns had provided ample room for a growing city, and its spacious caverns gave way to smaller tunnels that led to the other parts of the city.

Annikki and Larran soon found themselves on a much larger platform sitting in the middle of a small mere in the center of a large, bright cavern.

"Come," said Larran, nodding to a woman standing under a small tent in brightly colored robes. "Let's get our souls bound here."

Soulbinders, as they were known throughout the world of Norrath, were special magic-users with the ability to bind one's soul to a certain location. It was a must for daring adventurers. If there were no Cleric present to resurrect one who was killed during a quest, having a bound soul allowed the deceased to return to Norrath at the place of their last binding. The more experienced the person, the less he brought back on his return. Annikki and Larran had both achieved a level of skill that would allow only their bodies to be resurrected by the Soulbinder. They would then have to trek to their place of death and retrieve their armor and weapons once more from their corpse – which would vanish as soon as their equipment had been retrieved.

Larran walked up to the brilliantly garbed Human woman and hailed her. She chanted her usual introduction and question; asking if Larran wished his soul to be bound to the area. He consented, and a swirling, white orb that surrounded his body suddenly lifted him. Annikki followed suit and the two were ready. She followed Larran through the twisting streets of Shadow Haven to the tunnel that led to the caverns.

The Paladual Caverns, connected to the city through a yawning tunnel, were ancient caverns carved from the constant dripping down of water from Hollowshade Moor, which sat above it. The caverns were at first looked upon as a valuable route to the Vah Shir city of Shar Vahl from the trading hub of Shadow Haven. However, realizing their own chance to make profit from the growing city, bandit camps sprung up quickly along the route the caravans of traders took through the caverns. Many adventurers came to the Paladual Caverns simply to hunt and kill bandits – making quite a good profit in the treasures they looted from them – selling the stolen goods back to merchants they had first been stolen from.

Deeper in the caverns on less traveled paths, were the hideous Plerg Phlarg Fiends and their more fierce cousins, the Patog Phlarg Fiends. Hunting Fiends garnered a great deal of experience in a short amount of time – the Fiends were tough to kill and all magics and fighting techniques known were needed to defeat them. There was also the constant worry of catching "Crud" – an awful, debilitating disease that could be caught from a Fiend bite. It would work its way out of the body eventually in a few days time – but it seriously hindered fighting at the time as it zapped a person's resistance. A Cleric could heal one of the disease by casting three separate spells on the infected person – but a Cleric was not always handy.

Annikki followed Larran deeper into the entrance, the bright lights of Shadow Haven falling into the murky darkness of the caverns.

"It's always this dark in here," Larran observed. "No problem for us – but the humans have a time of it."

Annikki couldn't help but smile at the thought of the feeble-sighted humans stumbling blindly through the caves.

"Now, be nice," Larran said, turning just in time to catch her grin, though returning with one of his own. "Just around this bend you'll see the bandit camps. If we're lucky you'll get to see Yelloweyes."

"Yelloweyes?" Annikki asked, raising an eyebrow at a small mushroom that was staring up at her. She'd read about the small fungi, known as a Sensate Reishi – this one was but a mere sprout. It was not aggressive, but known to be a tasty snack when cut up and eaten.

"He's a giant Owlbear some of the bandits keep as a ‘pet'. Here we are now."

They had come to the end of the dark tunnel and just below them were two large bandit camps, and groups of adventurers fighting them. Shouts could be heard bouncing off the cave walls, echoing calls for groups looking for more, or people looking to join. This was accompanied by strange dripping sounds and weird creakings sounding as if the cave itself were moaning.

"We're going to go around them – so stay to the wall on the right," Larran instructed, after they viewed the scene below for a few moments.

"I'll just follow you, Larran," she said, knowing how easily she got turned around and lost.

"Well, about that," he said, giving her a sideways glance. "I've been thinking and just don't feel we're skilled enough to take on Fiends just yet. I was going to get us back to a fairly safe cave and hunt Muck Diggers and Mature Sensate Reishi's for awhile first."

"Okay, that sounds like a good plan."

"But – we're going to have to pass by Fiends to get there – and that means we'll need you to cast your Invisibility spell on us." He shrugged, knowing Annikki's penchant for getting lost.

"How will I follow you?" she asked, a worried frown on her pretty face.

"I'll go slow, just follow my voice – I'll tell you which way to go."

She sighed, realizing there would be no other way. She closed her eyes, casting the spell first on Larran, and then on herself. She raised a hand in front of her face to make sure it had taken and was pleased to see it had.

"The lasting time varies, Larran," she said. "Let's get going – it could wear off at any time and leave us in a bad predicament."

"Come on," his voice came from nowhere. "Take the wall to the right – and just follow it."

She followed Larran's instructions. It took them awhile to get to their destination this way, and Annikki had to recast the spell on both of them. They were separated once, but Annikki, listening to Larran's voice, was eventually able to find him again inside the small cave he'd told her about. Outside, Fiends stood in muddy pools of brown water, their repugnant faces peering around them – in fact, their eyesight was quite bad from existing in the dim cave and they could not see far. She walked a bit further in the cave besides – she'd never seen the creatures before today and they were gruesome to behold with their crusty, brown skin and fierce fangs.

She took a step back when she realized she was standing next to a mushroom that was taller than she! Larran laughed at her as she looked the Mature Sensate Reishi up and down.

"Those large beetles you see up that way are Muck Diggers – easy kills - and the bigger one is a Mud Burrower," Larran told her, pointing. "We'll be hunting here," he said as he began to cast. A bright flash of light filled the narrow cave, and a skeleton now stood beside Larran. His pet, Jebab, held a small sword. Annikki cast her own spell, and her own "pet" appeared. Though she could not control this creature as Larran could Jebab, he would attack anything that touched her harmfully, taking the blunt of the attack onto himself.

"I've learned some new spells that will buff us up a bit," Annikki said, "Let me cast them on us and our pets." She did so, then had to sit for awhile, as her Mana was seriously depleted. "What should we start with?" she asked, glancing at the large mushroom tottering over them and the beetles up a small ramp further into the cave.

"Doesn't matter," he said. "You attack first – cast that damage spell you have. It's powerful."

It was. Annikki stood, her Mana regenerated to its full potential. She stood before the silent mushroom and began to chant a short mantra in a low voice. Lightning shot from her fingertips and racked the body of the reishi, which upon recovering, jumped towards her with fury in his eyes. She took a blunt hit from its large head, and stepped back as her pet rushed in – taunting the creature and turning its attention away from Annikki and onto itself. Larran stood beside her now, murmuring low commands to his pet as it attacked the now seriously wounded mushroom. Annikki herself cast another spell on the reishi – making it spin in place at a dizzying pace and suddenly stop – stunning it for a few moments in which the pets increased their attack. Sensing the reishi still had more fight in him than first realized, she cast again – this time sucking all breath from his lungs and momentarily choking him. At this, Larran's pet stabbed the mushroom with a fatal blow, and it withered to the ground before their eyes. Annikki immediately sat down, to regain her Mana as Larran rushed up to see what he could loot from the corpse.

"Here," he said, handing Annikki some chunks of the mushroom that resembled bread. "Try it; it's actually quite good."

Annikki found the chunk of reishi a little chewy, but Larran was right, it did have a certain sweet taste to it that made it an enjoyable snack.

They went on in this manner, killing and resting, for hours. Both of them had gained experience and leveled in their class. At one resting interval, Annikki noticed another Dark Elf standing a few feet away from them, watching them.

"Wonder what he wants," Annikki said to Larran in a low voice. They continued with their killing, but still the quiet Dark Elf stood and watched them. After they had just slain another large reishi, he walked over to them.

"Would you like to group with my friend and I?" he asked, giving them a sharp-toothed smile. "I've been watching you fight – and I think we would all do well together. I practice the arts of Necromancer, and my friend is a Magician."

Annikki and Larran agreed to group with the small party – and their adventures took them deeper into the Paladual Caverns. No longer were they surrounded by the stinking fiends but by large insects their new friends told them were called Shik ‘Niks. The creatures were fierce and difficult to fight. Annikki found herself sitting down for a moment to recover after some serious wounds, and low mana. Out of nowhere a large Shik ‘Nik came flying from behind her, knocking her unconscious. Annikki had a very odd sensation throughout her entire body and suddenly a blinding light had her squinting and trying to focus.

She realized she was standing back in Shadow Haven – next to the Soulbinder.

"I died!" she exclaimed. Shaking her head and looking down at her plain robe she felt very naked without her weapons and enchanted jewelry.

She closed her eyes and sent a telepathic message to Larran, "I'm all right."

"What happened?" he asked.

"It came at me from behind," she said. "I never saw it. Do you see my body?"

"I'm standing right over it – the rest of the group apologizes."

Annikki laughed. Dying was a part of adventuring, and thanks to the magics of Soulbinders, Clerics and Necromancers, not a permanent state. "Tell them not to worry about it," she answered. "It happens. I'm going to make my way back."

She had lost all memory of her spells in the stun, and sat down with her spell book to rememorize them. She then carefully retraced her steps through Shadow Haven, trying to remember the path Larran had showed her. She found it easy enough – only having to stop once and ask a guard for directions. She entered the murky depths of the caverns, and as she came upon the shouts of the bandit camps, she stopped and recast the invisibility spell on herself.

"Help me." She sent Larran the message. "I can't find my way back!"

He guided her to the place they had last hunted in this way, Annikki wondering how Larran could remember his way so well. Turning a sharp corner, she saw the deep plum color of her own robe a few feet ahead of her. Her group was just a few feet away, fighting another Shik'Nik. She crept quietly up to her corpse. Seeing her own dead and bloodied body always unnerved her a little. It was a sight she felt she'd never grow accustomed to. She waited until the large insect was dropping to the ground in death before beginning to reclaim her things – knowing she would become visible again once she did so. Standing there nearly naked with no armor or weapon was dangerous.

"I'm here," she called out to her party.

She saw Larran walking up to her corpse. "Go ahead, Annikki," he said. "It's safe right now."

She quickly began to recover the items from her corpse. As she grabbed the last item – a lovely jaded silver ring her mother had given her – her corpse slowly vanished from before her.

Standing, she found herself very weary from the long hours of fighting and dying. "I have to take my leave of you," she told her groupmates. "Thank you for a wonderful group."

"I have to be going, also," Larran said, giving her a smile. "I'll make the journey back home with you."

Goodbyes were shared all around and the two set off to find their way out of the maze of caverns.

"Good hunting here," Annikki told Larran as she cast the Invisibility spell on them.

"Let's come back tomorrow," he said, giving her a grin.

She smiled. "Maybe so, Larran."

- END -


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